Friday, January 28, 2011

CIA placing its bets on Mubarak

According to a report in Maghreb Intelligence, the CIA would have been in contact with its Egyptian counterparts as well as the Egyptian government, the army and its opposition parties two weeks ago wanting to know an estimate of the lifetime of the current regime. The answer they received was unequivocal: the powers that be in Cairo are well anchored, and there are no immediate risks, nor are there any risks foreseen in the medium term.

The report indicated that the army is involved in the management of public affairs. The CIA's 'survey' showed that though demonstrations can be massive and result in violence, under no circumstances will they threaten the stability of the country.

According to CIA analysts, Egypt is a far more complex country than Tunisia and bears no comparison to other countries in the region. President Hosni Mubarak, despite his illness and age, continues to have the support of the army, Mukhabarats and businessmen...

[Full Article]