Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Calderon's new Identity Card For All by 2012

Coup Media Group

The National Identity Card includes Complete Biometrics of all school children and adults by 2012.

Councilors and legislators involved in the matter were unaware of the terms of the presidential decree published today in the Official Journal of the Federation (the official paper where laws are made public), despite the refusal from congressmen, the IFE (Federal Election Institute, CNDH (Nation Human Rights Commission) and the IFAI (the Mexican equivalent to the FOIA).


Consejeros y legisladores, involucrados en este tema, desconocían hasta esta tarde los términos y alcances de este decreto publicado hoy en el Diario Oficial de la Federación. Councilors and legislators involved in the issue were unaware until this afternoon as to the terms and scope of the decree published today in the Official Journal of the Federation. "We are analyzing the document and according to preliminary data this seems to be an act of war from the Executive who clearly has earned the sense of being authoritarian," said Rep. Canek Vázquez, chairman of the panel that examines the issue of the identity card.

[In your face people! They did not know of this decree. Yeah sure! So, here they are accepting that Fecazi is an act of war on the people. The term ‘albazo’ in Spanish refers to just that as staed by Congressman Vázquez. (Follow link http://es.thefreedictionary.com/albazo). And yes, Vazquez finally says that Calderon is a Dictator of a Fascist State. A mini Franco, a mini Hitler, a psychopath that has to be removed from power by the goodelements within our Armed Forces that believe in the Constitution and are willing to do the right thing.]


Among the amendments and additions include changes to Article 47, paragraph I, so that the card contains photographs, fingerprints, iris imaging and citizen’s signature of the city, it also specifies that the registration of these data will be in accordance with the mechanisms that by the Ministry of Interior determines.

[So, you see? It is in accordance to what Big Brother wants, decrees and determines. The Ministry of the Interior… sounds so much like Goebbels in Hitler’s time, doesn’t it? Scanning, databasing, concentrating, selecting the few, culling the rest.

Mind you that Calderon stated before coming into power that he was going to do this but the ‘unwoken sheeple’ of a people that live in Mexico are totally ignorant with the NOW, the Illuminati and the Antichrist Conspiracies that they believe that Dan brown and JJ Benitez are both true instead of fiction. It’s all about State and Corporate Mind Control and dumbing down the sheeple via the media, GMOs, MSG, chemtrails, vaccines etc.

Sadly, it sinks in when seeing how fast all this is playing out and how the few who are awake and understand the depth and scope of this are ready to take it to the next stage, but the rest do not follow and shamefully curdle into their little peasant beds doing what they are ordered by ‘Papa Gobierno’.]

Transients in this decree specify that “during the 5 years following its entry into force, the National Population Registry (RENAPO) can register Mexicans who are 18 years of age and have their Citizen Identity Card issued.”
Mind you that next Monday, January 24th 2011, the RENAPO starts the process and procedure for the issuance of the cards to children between ages 4 and 17 living in one of the six states selected for this first stage (Baja California, Colima, Chiapas, Guanajuato, Jalisco and Nuevo León).
‘Gobernación’, a loose term referring to the Secretaria de Gobernacion or Ministry of the Interior, vis a vis, the Department of State, announced that the expedition of minors will be completed by the end of 2012.

[How lucky of our children to be marked in one of the first 6 states. Just remember! We are never, ever, ever going to let the regime scan us, steal our private property which includes our mind, our thought, our eyes, our hands, our bodies and be registered like cattle or criminals