Monday, September 12, 2011

UN’s Agenda 21 Equals Organized ‘Snitching’

Canada Free Press

imageAmerica was founded on the idea that private property is sacred. Americans cannot conceive their country without the right to own property. As they go about their daily lives, the United Nations Agenda 21 is methodically chipping away at our country’s solid foundation.

Under the guise of protecting the environment, water conservation, resources, reducing carbon footprint, reducing the use of electricity, smart grid, smart meters, cutting down the use of fossil fuels, separating people from their cars in favor of mass transit, biking and walking within five minutes of residence, returning land to wilderness by moving large rural and urban populations into high rise tenements in green zones, and social justice, the UN is taking over our lives.

UN Agenda 21 marches on in spite of the many revelations that global warming, climate change scare tactics, faulty data, and faux academic research from the University of East Anglia have been debunked...[Full Article]