Thursday, September 1, 2011

Truly a Bizarre Passenger list for Flight 77 that Crashed into the Pentagon (Article)

Fact Over Fiction

We [WWW]are told that there were 64 passengers were on board Flight 77. We count 59, including 6 crew members. We presume they mean 59 passengers and crew, plus 5 Hijackers Patsies. There is no Arab name on the list of victims as reported by the media (see Passenger Links below).

The capacity of Flight 77 was 239 passengers, and with 53 passengers aboard, that is an occupancy rate of 23%. We have flown a great deal in Europe and North America, and never at any time in the last decade have we flown a trans-continental flight that was 3/4 empty (this is of course pre-9/11). The numbers appear number of passenger - loadsout-of-whack, thankfully. And so, a lingering question is why the passenger loads on the four planes hijacked in US skies are being described by industry officials as “very, very low.”...[Full Article]