Sustainable Development Means a Wrenching Transformation of Your Life
The New American
...I’ll present my case point by point. First, there is a very clear connection between the United Nations and local Lincoln comprehensive development plans. The very term “Sustainable Development” first appeared in a 1987 report entitled “Our Common Future,” produced by the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development. The term was first offered as official UN Policy in 1992 at the Earth Summit in a document that is today simply referred to as Agenda 21. In their own words here is what proponents of Agenda 21 said it is: “Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by EVERY person on Earth.... it calls for specific changes in the activities if ALL people.... Effective execution of Agenda 21 will REQUIRE a profound reorientation of ALL humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced.” Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (Earthpress, 1992)...[Full Article]