Evidence Shows Norway Terror Attack a False Flag
Kurt Nimmo | A Gladio operation designed to demonize opponents of the banker debt scam.
‘Caution! Watch out for false flags’ – Oslo attacks
RT | Always be suspicious. Numerous high-profile attacks have proven to be false flags.
Was Norway Killer Anders Behring Breivik a Freemason?
Infowars | Before it was deleted, Breivik’s Facebook page showed the killer dressed in full masonic regalia.
Establishment Media Rushed To Blame Madman Attack on Muslims With No Evidence
Zero Hedge | Within barely an hour of the attack, the New York Times had blamed “Al-Qaeda” for an attack that turned out to be the work of a lone madman.
Why Would a “Right-Wing Nationalist” Massacre Young, Predominantly White Norwegians?
Prison Planet | Why would a “right-wing extremist” who calls himself a nationalist and hates Muslims choose to massacre scores of young, predominantly white, Norwegian youths? Why not attack a mosque?
Norway PM Was Due To Visit Massacre Camp
BBC News | Mr Stoltenberg had been due to visit the camp on Saturday.
91 Killed: Death Toll Rises Dramatically
London Guardian | 91 people died in the attacks in the centre of Oslo and on a nearby island summer camp.