Hollywood begins mass brainwashing campaign to get people ready for the next bioengineered virus release
(NaturalNews) The entertainment industry is no stranger to government propaganda campaigns, and the latest Hollywood flicks are no exception. A quick look at the trailer for the upcoming release of the movie Contagion (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sYS...) reveals what appears to be a massive brainwashing campaign designed to prepare the American psyche for the next intentional release of a bioengineered virus -- and it also conveniently and subtly programs viewers into accepting the idea that vaccines might be the solution to a major, devastating disease outbreak.
This tactic is nothing new, of course. If you look back at the themes of major movie releases over the past several decades and compare them to what ends up taking place in the real world not too long after, it becomes eerily clear that Hollywood is deeply connected to the agendas of those that are now in control of various world governments, including the US government.
Many, if not most, movies released today appear to be nothing more than psychological manipulation designed to either dull the minds of the people into accepting a certain agenda, or to literally condition people's minds for upcoming disastrous events...[Full Article]