Monday, December 17, 2012

The National Counterterrorism Center is In-Charge of Watching You

Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
December 17, 2012

According to new rules the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) has been given access to all governmental databases, intelligence on all citizens in the US. The information is retained for years without review and stored in case there is ever suspicion or a US citizen is under “reasonable belief” that they are connected to terroristic activity.

By providing the US government an “indispensable source for analysis and strategic operational plans” the NCTC is considered an integral “instrument of national power” that will ensure expert perspectives are authoritatively sourced with regard to surveillance.

The NCTC is allowed to analyze and obtain copies of information on US citizens including:

• Flight records
• Americans hosting foreign-exchange students
• Casino records
• Behavior patterns

This information can be shared with other governments while searching for justification for pre-crime accusations.-[Full Article]