Only after President’s speech did East Midlands security officials reverse earlier announcement that suspicious device was a dud
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, November 1, 2010
After having examined the suspicious ink toner device for six hours and found it to be a dud, bomb experts at East Midlands Airport only reversed their decision after being ordered to re-inspect the package by US authorities following President Obama’s Friday afternoon speech in which he claimed that the devices did in fact contain explosives.
This telling contradiction in the timeline of the cargo bomb plot fiasco proves that the story was being hyped and manipulated from the very early stages.
Obama was informed of the plot at 10:35PM eastern Thursday night, despite the fact that the East Midlands package was only first discovered roughly at the exact same time – 3:30am on Friday morning UK time. British Prime Minister David Cameron was kept firmly out of the loop – he was not informed until Friday afternoon.
How did Obama and his terror chief John Brennan know that the East Midlands package was an explosive device virtually at the same time bomb experts had only just discovered the device at East Midlands Airport and before they had even had the chance to analyze it?
A spokesman from the Metropolitan Police stated: “Following initial examination explosives officers were satisfied that the package presented no immediate danger.”
Authorities at East Midlands only reversed their earlier assessment after “(US) authorities urged the British to look again, a US official said,” reports the Nottingham Post.
So is it credible that bomb professionals whose expertise and training is focused around detecting explosives, failed to do so after a six hour sweep, only to change their minds after being ordered to look again by the US government?
What did Obama know and when did he know it? The timeline strongly indicates that US terror authorities knew about the East Midlands device before East Midlands bomb experts had even discovered it.
Police and bomb experts at East Midlands have refused to comment on the confusion.
In addition, it has come to light that the man responsible for tipping off Saudi authorities to the imminent plot, who subsequently informed US authorities, was Jabir al-Fayf, suspected by Yemen of being a double agent working for the Saudis.
Al-Fayf had infiltrated the Al-Qaeda group in Yemen who were behind the plot. Going on past evidence of how almost every terror scare was contrived with the aid of federal agents or their Al-Qaeda informants provocateuring the terror group into action, Al-Fayf was probably responsible for grooming the patsies, whose mental incompetence, as again is the case in most instances, prevented them from building sophisticated enough bombs to be successful.
However, despite the fact that authorities not only in the UK but also in the cases of the Newark and Pittsburgh packages, initially gave the “all clear,” according to CNN, Obama, having already been informed of the plot the night before, simply contradicted the very experts who had dismissed the devices as duds, claiming the packages contained explosives. This soon mushroomed into a media scaremongering blitz about powerful explosives that could have knocked dozens of planes out of the sky.
The contrived series of events has been swiftly exploited as a means of intensifying US attacks on Yemen, which was instantly blamed as the source of the alleged attack, despite a female student who was arrested as the prime culprit later being released after it became clear she was the victim of a “set-up,” according to her lawyer.
Two Wall Street Journal articles today make it plain that the Obama administration will use the incident to justify further military incursions into Yemen while beefing the CIA’s power to control secret “elite U.S. hunter-killer teams” that operate in foreign countries.
In a report entitled Package Bombs Help U.S. Defense in Cleric Case, the WSJ discusses how the alleged role of American cleric Anwar al Awlaki in the plot, who as we have documented is a CIA stooge who met with Pentagon officials shortly after 9/11 despite being fingered as the spiritual guru of the very hijackers who slammed Flight 77 into the Pentagon, will aid the US in its plans to launch military operations in Yemen.
In another report entitled Yemen Covert Role Pushed – Foiled Bomb Plot Heightens Talk of Putting Elite U.S. Squads in CIA Hands, Julian E. Barnes and Adam Entous explain how the plot – supposedly masterminded by someone on the CIA payroll – will enable the Obama administration to shift “more operational control to the CIA” in its mission to violate the sovereignty of more nations in the name of the war on terror.
RELATED: CIA Stooge Awlaki Prime Suspect Behind Plane Bomb Plot
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.
CIA Stooge Awlaki Prime Suspect Behind Plane Bomb PlotEvery scrap of evidence screams “false flag,” as authorities seek to crush resistance against invasive airport security measures, while Obama exploits event for domestic and geopolitical gain
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, November 1, 2010
The revelation that CIA stooge Anwar al-Awlaki, the Al-Qaeda leader who once dined with Pentagon top brass, is the supposed mastermind behind last week’s plane bomb plot, adds yet more weight to the already overwhelming evidence that the whole charade is another contrived false flag to both boost Barack Obama’s domestic and geopolitical agenda, while crushing the growing resistance against invasive airport security measures.
According to the London Guardian, Awlaki is now the “prime suspect” in the cargo plane bomb plot. He is also fingered as the mastermind by BBC News, and the London Telegraph amongst others. The man who allegedly made the ink toner cartridges that were later claimed to be deadly explosive devices was Saudi Arabian-born Ibrahim Hassan Al Asiri. Al Asiri is “in regular contact in Yemen with radical cleric Anwar Awlaki,” reports the Daily Mail.
As we reported last month, every indication points to American-born cleric Awlaki being a double agent working for US intelligence. He has been involved in almost every terror plot over the last couple of years, from directing the underwear bomber, who was allowed to board the plane by order of the US State Department aided by a well-dressed man who got Abdulmutallab on the airliner despite the fact that he was on a terror watchlist and had no passport, to advising Fort Hood shooter Major Nidal Malik Hasan. Authorities have engaged in a cover-up of what happened at Fort Hood after they ordered Private Lance Aviles to delete cell phone footage of the attack.
Awlaki was also the spiritual leader of the alleged 9/11 hijackers, a fact that didn’t seem to concern Pentagon top brass who invited him to dine with them just months after the September 11 attacks despite the fact that he had personally colluded with the very hijackers who were alleged to have slammed Flight 77 into the Pentagon.
The US Special Operations Command’s Able Danger program identified the hijackers and their accomplices long before 9/11, and would undoubtedly have also picked up Awlaki.
As Webster Tarpley has documented, Awlaki is “an intelligence agency operative and patsy-minder” and “one of the premier terror impresarios of the age operating under Islamic fundamentalist cover” whose job it is to “motivate and encourage groups of mentally impaired and suggestible young dupes who were entrapped into “terrorist plots” by busy FBI and Canadian RCMP agents during recent years.”
Any Awlaki connection to the latest alleged bomb plot is therefore a huge smoking gun that the entire story, as every other piece of evidence also indicates, is a manufactured political ploy.
In the rush to pin the blame on US geopolitical target Yemen, a Yemeni female student was hastily fingered as the perpetrator, a “set-up” according to her lawyer, and she was quickly released. Indeed, according to Mohammed al-Shaibah, Air Cargo Director for Yemenia Airways, “there is no evidence to prove that this package came through Yemen.” He said there were no UPS or DHL cargo flights from Yemen within a 48 hour period prior to the supposed terror attack.
In addition, the United Arab Emirates’ Civil Aviation Authority rejected claims by US authorities that Flight 201 from Dubai contained any suspicious packages. “The Emirates plane that arrived today in the United States from Dubai did not contain any packages from Yemen,” the official Emirati WAM news agency quoted an unnamed source with the country’s civil aviation body as saying.
Authorities in the UK initially confirmed that the package found on a plane at East Midlands Airport was an ink toner cartridge and contained no evidence of explosives. Similarly, CNN first reported that, “Investigators examined two UPS planes that landed at Philadelphia International Airport and another at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey, said Mike Mangeot, a UPS spokesman. Authorities later gave the “all-clear” at the airport in Newark, U.S. and U.K. officials said.” However, within hours President Obama gave a speech claiming the packages did contain evidence of explosives.
Within the space of 24 hours, the story was completely reversed and inflated into a massive terror plot involving dozens of suspect packages supposedly bound for synagogues in Chicago. How could packages that after being tested for explosives were labeled duds suddenly become ‘massive and powerful explosive devices’? This proves that the story was manipulated at an early stage so that it could be feverishly overblown and exploited for political purposes, just as a number of contrived terror alerts were issued for political gain by the Bush administration, as former Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge admitted.
The new plot’s supposed similarities to the Christmas Day attempt further cements this view. As we have documented, every single scrap of evidence regarding the underwear bomber plot has “false flag” written all over it, from the US government allowing Abdulmutallab to board the plane, to Abdulmutallab’s own patsy-like behavior suggesting he wasn’t even fully aware of his role, to FBI intimidation of eyewitnesses on the plane who reported events that contradicted the official story. The Christmas Day incident was hastily exploited to push naked body scanners which have proved to be a financial windfall for the same individuals who are now hyping this new plot as another reason for more expensive and invasive security measures at airports.
The plane bomb plot and how it has been swiftly exploited fulfills at least three political objectives.
1) Occurring less than a handful of days before what has been dubbed one of the most important mid-term elections for decades, the attack will serve to entice undecided voters back under the illusion of big government as protector, potentially saving a few key establishment Democrats their seats in the House and Senate. The fact that Obama completely reversed the initial announcements of security officials to claim that the ink toner cartridges did in fact contain explosives is a key indication that the White House is over hyping the story for political gain.
2) Resistance to stifling and pointless airport security measures has reached fever pitch in recent months, with naked body scanners taking flak from all sides as they are routinely abused. Dozens of countries are refusing to sign a binding agreement proposed by the Department of Homeland Security to mandate the use of the scanners globally. The backlash culminated in British Airways Chairman Martin Broughton attacking US authorities for the continuation of “completely redundant” airport security checks. These security checks are only going to become more invasive as a result of this staged event.
3) Blaming Yemen as the origin of the plot allows the US military-industrial complex to intensify drone attacks on a country that has become one of the prime targets for the next phase of the contrived war on terror. Just a day after the plane bomb charade, the New York Times aggressively pushed for more attacks on the country, citing the presence of CIA stooge Awlaki as a reason for doing so.
We are once again being manipulated and brainwashed into accepting draconian security measures through fear and lies. Only by exposing the fact that this chain of events was yet another false flag attack on the psyche of the American people and people globally can we hope to identify the real terrorists, those in positions of power, who are continually hyping the threat of terror to change our society for the worse.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.
Toner Bomb Plot Used to Empower CIAKurt Nimmo
November 1, 2010
In addition to adding new urgency and a fresh dose of hysteria to the flagging war on manufactured terror, the toner bomb plot has provided an excuse to rationalize the global reach of the CIA.
“Officials said support was growing both within the military and the administration for shifting more operational control to the CIA — a move that would allow the U.S. to strike suspected terrorist targets unilaterally with greater stealth and speed,” reports the Wall Street Journal today. “Allowing the U.S. military’s Special Operations Command units to operate under the CIA would give the U.S. greater leeway to strike at militants even without the explicit blessing of the Yemeni government,” or the American people who, as usual, remain woefully uninformed.
Corporate media does its part to justify expanding war on terror into Yemen.
The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) conducts several covert and clandestine missions, such as unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, psychological operations, direct action, counter-terrorism and war on drugs operations.
Exploiting the obviously contrived Yemen toner bomb plot (see Paul Watson’s article today) as an excuse to shift more operational control to an unaccountable CIA would reduce conflict between the CIA’s National Clandestine Service and the more clandestine parts of USSOCOM. It would also consolidate operations.
Moreover, a commissioned Pentagon study revealed that such a move would allow the CIA to maintain its covert capability and be the “sole government agency conducting covert action.” The DoD found that under U.S. law and the Constitution it does not have the legal authority to conduct covert action, nor the “operational agility” to carry out these types of missions.
Since the creation of the National Security State in the late 1940s, the CIA has used covert operations to consistently overthrow governments and install favored actors in power. “Covert action should not be confused with missionary work,” said Henry Kissinger in 1975 after the U.S. government betrayed the Kurds of Iraq.
In the 1980s, former CIA agent John Stockwell estimated that the agency has run thousands of covert operations since its inception, “all designed to disrupt, destabilize, or modify the activities of other countries.”
We are told the Obama administration is behind the effort to put the CIA’s “elite U.S. hunter-killer teams that operate secretly” inside Yemen, but the effort transcends any perceived rule by the teleprompter reader in chief.
As author John Prados notes, the CIA does not answer to the president or Congress. “Covert action has never been under complete presidential control, even as presidents have total authority to order it,” he writes. Under the 1947 National Security Act, the CIA remains beyond Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution that expressly reserves to Congress, not the president, the right to give letters of marque, the eighteenth-century equivalent of grants of combatant status.
Since September 11, 2001, U.S. foreign policy has shifted further into covert and illegal action in violation of the Constitution. Under Obama, the CIA has ramped up the covert war against CIA-ISI created elements inside Pakistan, an effort begun in earnest during the Bush regime.
In late October, Agence France-Presse reported that the CIA had authorized “officers and special operations military trainers to enter the country to intensify pressure” on “militants” created and supported through a collaboration between U.S. and Pakistani intelligence, although this is rarely if ever noted by the corporate media.
“The number of CIA personnel in Pakistan has grown substantially in recent years, [the Wall Street Journal] said. But the exact number is highly classified…. A senior Pakistani official said relations with the CIA remain strong but Islamabad continues to oppose a large increase in the number of American personnel on the ground.”
Since the staged underwear non-bombing last Christmas, the U.S. has steadily increased its military presence in Yemen and the Arabian peninsula under the guise of fighting against al-Qaeda and specifically the operative Anwar al-Awlaki, the U.S. born cleric designated by the government and the corporate media as the senior leader of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.
“The U.S. military accelerated strikes against Yemen-based Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula following December’s failed attempt by the group to blow up a Detroit-bound American airliner. Since last December, the U.S. military has carried out a series of missile strikes on alleged al Qaeda operatives in Yemen. All of the strikes were approved by Washington’s ambassador to Sana’a,” the Journal reports.
The newly formed Yemeni branch of the intelligence contrivance known as al-Qaeda will continue its campaign of absurd non-bombings and will release propaganda videos featuring a raft of scary turban-donning “militants” on cue as the United States ramps up its military involvement in the Middle East, Central Asia, and Africa.
In the days ahead, as the mid-term election plays out with predictable results (as a highly controlled and orchestrated event), the manufactured terror threat that is not a terror threat will continue to dominate headlines. It is wholly irrelevant if the Republicans or Democrats control the House and Senate.
Regardless of who wins at the game of congressional musical chairs, the effort to exploit the manufactured war on terror will continue unabated and expand its reach into new fertile territory as the globalists attempt to extend their reach and seek to accomplish order through murderous chaos.