Saturday, November 13, 2010

Google Pours Another $3.2M Into Genetics Startup
Google invests another $3.2M in 23andMe genetics startup run by Wojcicki, CEO Brin's Wife

Google Inc.'s venture capital arm, Google Ventures, invested $3.2 million in a genetics startup run by Google CEO Sergey Brin's wife in November, bringing the Web search leader's total investments in 23andMe Inc. to $10.2 million...

...The startup offers genetic testing for people interested in what diseases they might be genetically predisposed to, or for people who want to learn more about their ancestry. The tests cost between $400 and $500.

[Full Article]

[Webmaster - This is a great way for the government to collect DNA/genetic information from people who are giving it up voluntarily. Google and the U.S. government are joined at the hip. When people take these "tests", they may as well give the information directly to the government.]