A revealing artcle appeared in the Orange County register yesterday regarding Adam "al-Qaida" Gadahn, the Orange County man who moved to Pakistan and is allegedly a radical terrorist and public relations spokesman for al-Qaida. There had been unconfirmed reports that 31 year old Gadahn had been arrested in Pakistan, but it turned out to be someone else, allegedly a man from Pennsylvania.
Many constitutionalists who have a researched and conspiratorial view of the world and of the events of September 11th in particular, are already well aware that the alleged terrorist from OC is the Jewish grandson of an ADL board member.
But the fact that the young man was allegedly converted and radicalized only after moving to his grandparents home and 'discovering Islam on the internet' might raise some eyebrows. Gadahn moved in with his grandparents in Santa Ana, CA in the mid 1990's, converted to Islam in 1995 and travelled to Pakistan at least once before his grandfather died at the age of 90 in October 1998...