(NaturalNews) I don't normally watch television (the "zombie tube"), but
I couldn't resist on election night. So I tuned in and found myself
reacting in total shock at the live news interviews with Americans who
had just voted:
These people were complete morons!I don't mean that in a flippant derogatory way. What I mean is that they were
cognitively incapable of intelligent thought.
They had no grasp of the issues, no comprehension of political reality,
and no clear idea why they even voted for their candidate.
Without exception, the people I saw interviewed on the news appeared to be
babbling idiots yanked right out of the movie
Some of them gave "reasons" for voting that had no basis in fact. "He's
good for the economy and created more jobs," one Obama voter explained,
apparently not realizing Obama has gutted the U.S. economy and
destroyed tens of millions of jobs over the last four years, causing
unemployment to skyrocket and
food stamps to more than double.
The presidential election, it turns out, was
decided by voters of such shockingly low IQ
that many would have been considered medically retarded just two
generations ago. And this is true on both sides of the aisle, as many
Romney voters also appeared to be literally incapable of providing any
logical reason why they voted for Romney.
What we just witnessed in America was
the Idiocracy election of 2012.If you're not familiar with Idiocracy,
read my write-up of the movie here.
Millions of Californians vote to keep GMOs a secret
Proposition 37, millions of California voters actually voted to say
they did NOT want to know what's in the food they're eating. So instead
of rationally examining the ballot measure, they were easily suckered by
the anti-labeling messages of the "No on 37" campaign, which used every
dirty trick in the book to confuse the zombie masses.
fabricated quotes from the FDA,
illegally used the FDA seal on their mailers, impersonated a police
organization and mailed out "No on 37" letters that claimed to represent
the police. And the Idiocracy voters of California bought it!
"Prop 37 bad. Gonna vote NO. Bad 37. No want food labels. Vote now. Keep Obama in President, you know?"
That's the mantra of the
voters: An endless, polysyllabic droning of utter nonsense, spewed out by a brain that is for all practical purposes sub-human.
Are we witnessing the long-predicted zombie apocalypse?
is not an idle question: Is the zombie apocalypse now upon us? Have the
masses become so brain dead that they are no longer functioning humans?
The "zombification" of America has been waged via
a secret chemical weapons program that poisons the population with
so-called "fluoride" in the water, mercury in vaccines, and
hidden GMO poisons in the food.
This is the reason the food giants fought so desperately to defeat Prop
37: It would have required them to disclose the presence of one of
their key poisons, thereby alerting the zombie masses to the reality
they are being poisoned. (Which may not have even mattered to them, but
you never know...)
The purpose of the poisoning of America is, of
course, to accomplish precisely what we just witnessed: The radical
dumbing down of the voters to the point where they are
incapable of rational thought. This makes them cognitively pliable and easy to manipulate with even rudimentary propaganda.
better, the propaganda need not make any actual sense. It just needs to
be repeated by a charismatic leader over and over to be imprinted into
the feeble minds of the zombie-headed voters. This is why people who
voted for Obama or Romney are almost universally incapable of
elucidating WHY they voted the way they did. Technically speaking,
they have no idea themselves! All they have is an "urge" to
vote for either Obama or Romney, similar to the urge they might feel when they need to eat, have sex or defecate. There is no
thinking required.
In essence, what happened yesterday is that
voters defecated en masse at the voting booths.
Regardless of the outcome -- Romney or Obama -- we all just got crapped
on because the outcome was not based on anything resembling critical
In one sense, these people are all victims of a mass
chemical poisoning campaign, so it's hard to even blame them for their
own zombie behavior. But in another sense, even though their brains have
been turned to mush, they still retain the power of a vote! And thus
their actions threaten the political future of all of us who actually
still CAN think.
And for the record, I don't care if someone votes Obama or Romney. What I want to see is people who have
a well-considered reason for voting one way or the other.
And I haven't seen that anywhere. The vast majority of voters are
zombified beyond the point of being human anymore. They have become
walking skin bags with just enough brain function to string together a
few words and punch a chad, but not enough intelligence to have any real
understanding of why they are doing what they're doing.
Just a couple of generations ago, they would have been considered mentally retarded. But today, they are the political majority.
The zombie era is upon us
We have reached the era in America where those of us with functioning brains are
surrounded by masses of actual cognitive zombies who appear to be human on the outside but are actually sub-human in terms of brain function.
sub-human zombies have no knowledge whatsoever of history, economics,
health, liberty, or even how the political process works at all. They
are absolutely incapable of explaining, when questioned, how the
electoral college works, or what the three branches of government at, or
what the Fourth Amendment says. Heck,
they can hardly READ! They
probably can't even read the difference between the names "Obama" and
"Romney" and were only able to vote by recognizing the giant "O" or "R."
Many would have accidentally voted for
Oprah if her name had been on the ballot.
And because these people have no knowledge of history, they are of course
doomed to repeat it.
The really sad part of this is that those of us who know history are
also doomed to repeat it alongside all the zombies who have voted in
complete ignorance of history. They drag us into the same mistakes
humanity has already made, you see.
The rise of the Obama police
state, for example, almost exactly mirrors the rise of the Nazi police
state. The TSA, for example, is beginning to function much like Hitler's
brownshirts, ignoring established law and engaging in gang-style street
brutality while not being bound by any oath of office as police are.
People who voted for Obama almost universally have no clue about how
Nazis came to power and why Obama's support base -- with all its threats
of violence and "gangster" mentality -- is following much the same
Even liberal author and researcher
Naomi Wolf warns about the rise of the Nazi-style police state in America in this popular video.
isn't a left or right thing, it's a freedom versus oppression thing,
and the zombified voters have absolutely no clue how freedom is created,
or protected, or destroyed. So they mindlessly vote with their
defecation-style body urges and we end up with the situation we have
today: Power-hungry tyrants and vicious liars running the country: Bush,
Clinton, George W, Obama and so on. And they crush our civil liberties,
economic freedoms, hopes and dreams. They oppress humanity while
pretending to be saving it.
Beyond the point of no return?
result of all this is that our nation has long crossed the threshold of
no return. America is now an empire on the decline, failing under the
irreparable burden of bad government and incomprehensible voters. It's
not just that America has failed, but that
democracy has failed because the very idea of democracy depends entirely on voters being informed, educated, rational and intelligent.
of those qualities exists in a majority anymore. Thus, a democracy that
allows its most mind-numbed citizens to vote (more than once, in many
cases) will, by definition, head in the direction of lunacy and failure.
America's form of democracy is based on the equality concept that every
person has a vote -- a valuable concept if the population is educated
and intelligent -- there is no escaping the downfall of the nation once
the voters plunge in intelligence. The widespread idiocy among the
zombie voters inescapably becomes reflected in the election results,
delivering deceptive leaders, idiotic ballot measure results and absurd
Voters are the shapers of the direction of any democracy, and in America today, the
Idiocracy voters are shaping America to resemble a giant turd. This, too, is a reference from
Idiocracy, where scatological humor is used to distract the masses from important issues.
Idiocracy, people who have been convicted of crimes by a gansta-style
court system where rhyming is more important than thinking are sentenced
to "rehabilitation." This rehabilitation consists of being run over by
monster trucks in a giant sports arena while the fluoride-head masses
watch and cheer. This is the lunacy of the justice system in the world
of Idiocracy.
Today in America,
a man who distributed raw milk remains imprisoned in Ventura, California. He has committed no crime, but he is
an enemy of the state
and thus remains incarcerated for no rational reason. People across
America are threatened with jail time for growing gardens, and one mom
was recently given a $2500 citation because her three-year-old boy
urinated in their own two acres of property.
The rise of the Idiocracy state is upon us, and it's a recipe of
tyranny and lunacy.
It's a recipe of endless government growth combined with the incessant
drilling of propaganda messages into the feeble minds of the poisoned
masses who probably struggle to tie their own shoes (but can still
happily work for the TSA!).
We have crossed the threshold into
zombieland, and the great America we once knew has now been consumed and
dismantled by idiots at every level.
What we really need is
a revolution of the thinking. And the leader of that group would be, of course, none other than
Ron Paul.