Sunday, June 5, 2011

Secret Wars of CIA Cost U.S. Taxpayers Billions of Dollars

Veterans Today

It’s been estimated the Iraq war, besides making that country pretty much unlivable, will flush $3 trillion in U.S. taxpayer dollars down the Pentagon drain. Nobel Prize economist Joseph Stiglitz, who made that cost estimate, wrote with co-author Linda Bilmes in The Washington Post March 9, 2008, “The Iraq adventure has seriously weakened the U.S. Economy…you can’t spend $3 trillion—yes, $3 trillion —on a failed war abroad and not feel the pain at home.”

The Stiglitz study is well known and is a factor in making many Americans want to get out of Iraq. (A CNN poll this January found two-thirds opposed the war.) But other costly wars have been waged by the White House, Pentagon, and CIA that have been kept largely secret. Their costs ran into the billions of dollars and not only cheated uninformed taxpayers but lacerated innocent nations, turning their populations against us, and ruined for American business countries that should have been harmonious trading partners...[Full Article]