Agenda 21 Indoctrination Going Global at Warp Speed
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Activist Post
It is time to sound the alarm yet again on Agenda 21. Much of the focus of critical LA21 discussion has centered on its progress in the United States, but it too has been making rapid inroads into México, as to the rest of the planet.
Background - Regionalization
As we all know (or should be aware of), México is purported ground zero for the testing and total implementation of iris-scanning biometric identification technology according to Hoyos Group (formerly Global Rainmakers), which is set to eventually encompass the globe (their estimate is ten years).[1] Youth here will soon be obligated to receive national biometric ID cards with a view of moving on to the general population. This is all for our safety. Please try to ignore the fact the US agency, ATF, has been arming drug cartels with heavy weaponry.[2] Please also make an attempt to pretend you never heard drug cartels have been moving massive amounts of cocaine and heroin into the U.S. with the oversight of the DOJ, FBI, DEA and ICE.[3]
Harper and Obama’s recent agreement on the common security perimeter has stated the move to work “toward common technical standards for the collection, transmission, and matching of biometrics that enable the sharing of information on travellers in real time.”[4] We know that the 1980 Bilderberg report stated the goal of working toward a “North American common bloc” and that the 1989 US-CAN bilateral trade agreement added México into the mix in 1994 with NAFTA.[5] One can assume that the 2011 US-CAN common security perimeter will eventually add in a bit of Méxican spice to spruce things up. These developments also mirror the 2005 Council on Foreign Relations Task Force objectives.[6]
Agenda 21 Indoctrination
Some private schools south of the border have now begun replacing traditional courses on society and economics with courses on “Environment and Sustainability”. The replacement of the economics social studies course with an environmental course is de facto giveaway to the nature of this new doctrine, one seeking to supplant traditional economic and societal structure. Based on pseudo-science, the green global warming movement seeks to serve as an excuse to restructure society as a whole, establish a (global) centrally planned economy and a political structure (the “planetary regime”) working through regional government. Remember, the failed 2010 Cancun UN Climate Change Conference stated the possibility of forced relocation of endangered parts of the Méxican population, based on UN dictate to be executed by the national government, as part of the environmental agenda.[7]...[Full Article]