Tuesday, December 14, 2010

DHS Wal-Mart Spy Cams: Big Brother Trumps Everyday Low Prices

DBKP - Death By 1000 Papercuts

So Long, Wal-Mart: it was nice shopping with you!

Smile! you’re on DHS-Wal-Mart Spy TV! The latest clampdown on American citizens from Janet Napolitano is sure to spark a backlash. Do any readers feel safer? I thought so.

Department of Homeland Security: We're Watching you!


What genius in Bentonville, Arkansas came up with the idea to offer free DHS spy cam photos with the Everyday Low Prices? Not to worry: after being fired, the person responsible can likely get a job at DHS or even Club Gitmo.

As for DHS, they’re becoming as noxious as the bureaucrats in 1930s Germany: remember, they were concerned with “security.”

Because when you leave the Southern border open, Mirandize foreign nationals and engage in other non-serious behavior, the only tactic left is apparently criminalizing the 300 million suspects who live in the USA.

“Contact law enforcement to report suspicious activity?”

How about there’s a freaking spy cam recording me buying a CD and some Pepsi?

Is that suspicious enough?

We concur 100% with Dana Loesch’s assessment:

“So while standing in line with your inflatable lawn Santa, tampons, dog food, and waiting for your tires to be rotated, you’ll be treated to a freakish video of Napolitano doing anything but actually stopping terrorism, like securing the borders (9/11 began as an immigration issue with the hijackers here on expired visas), paying closer attention to the FBI watch list, and implementing effective security protocols at airports instead of get-lucky random searching.”

This is very bad news: we always enjoyed shopping at Wal-Mart; now it will be almost impossible to check out while trying to simultaneously making rude hand gestures at the DHS Spy Cams.

Which brings us to a pertinent question.

Just who are readers beginning to fear more: the terrorists or the Department of Homeland Security?

Napolitano is aptly nicknamed “Big Sis.”

Maybe because everything else she’s called can’t be reprinted in a family publication.

First, the public “submit to our groping or naked scans” TSA scam. Now, Spy Cams at Wal-Mart.

But, as bad as this latest action is, it’s likely not the last nor the the worse. It’s suspected that there will be much worse done in the name of “security.”

Where does it end? Who knows? but once you can justify these types of actions with a straight face, you can justify a lot more police state tactics–and the smart money betting that they will try.

As for Wal-Mart?

No matter how low the Everyday Prices go, you can’t put a Price on being spied on by the United States government in a in the checkout line, so–so long!

[Full Article]