Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fox News' Parent Company News Corp. is Directed by Globalist Banksters (Rothschild & J.P. Morgan)

Not only is Fox News connected to investors in the "Ground Zero Mosque" project...their parent company, News Corp., has not one but TWO board of director members who are international bankster-gangsters!
  • Rod Eddington
    Non-Executive Chairman for
    Australia and New Zealand
    J.P. Morgan
  • Andrew S.B. Knight
    J. Rothschild Capital Management Limited
So there you have it. The so-called "conservative" Fox News, a subsidiary of News Corp, is being directed by off-shore global elitist bankers who want to establish a one world government and destroy the sovereignty of the United States of America.


The Rothschilds Exposed


Who controls Fox News? A peek at the higher-ups