Saturday, June 12, 2010
Weekend Edition, June
12-13, 2010
Cash and Bonds Will Be Very Dangerous
Paper money will head to its natural value – which is zero, says Marc Faber.
Abolish the Public Schools
Gary North on smarter kids and a lower deficit.
Building the Ruling Elite
Murray Rothbard on how the economic nationalists did it.
Any Bull Markets in the Next Decade?
Here's what Jim Rogers sees.
Liquidate All the Bad Debts
And you have taken only one step towards recovery, says Mark Crovelli.
Do Draconian Gun Laws Keep Europeans Safe?
Don't make John Lott laugh.
Worse Than a Crime – a Mistake
In the politician's world, anyway. Article by Eric Margolis.
Predator Palin
She's just another pol in the Nixon mold. Article by Pat Buchanan.
Rick's Hard-Money Rules
Louis James interviews Rick Rule on gold stocks.
'Stop the Endless Buck-Passing and Name-Calling'
The oil spill was an accident, Obama, says the LRC-reading Lord Mayor of London.
What's a Pocket Pistol?
The handiest firearm for self-protection.
Leaky Gut
Margaret Durst how to fix the problem and end the misery.
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