HorseofPaulRevere — June 14, 2010 — BP Oil Spill:Toxic Gases Spreading Inland, Scientist Says Move Out of Gulf...EVACUATIONS OF THE GULF REGION ARE COMING, FEMA WILL OPEN ITS ONE-WAY DOORS.
Gases such as Hydrogen Sulfide, Benzene, Methylene Chloride, and other toxic gases pose a greater risk to human health than the presence of oil washing up on Gulf of Mexico beaches. The allowable levels of Hydrogen Sulfide and Benzene according to the EPA are 5-10 parts per billion and 0 respectively.The EPA reported the level detected in the Gulf at almost 1,200 PPB for hydrogen sulfide and 3400 PPB for Benzene during the month of May. The amounts pose a serious and even fatal health risk to people and animals.
For some official level reports on these deadly gases click below
A QUESTION WE MUST ASK OURSELVES. How bad could this go? We are just at the beginning. Consider death and debilitating illness caused by the following, simple exposure to the crude oil and make-up, or the chemical dispersant, the close proximity to the 'burn-off' of such 'contained' areas, the fumes and toxic vapors being given off 'naturally' at the surface of the Gulf of Mexico. Also consider the unseen GIANT PLUMES of oil snaking their way through the depths of the ocean, poisoning all marine life on their way to everywhere. What about the marshlands, deltas, swamps and low lying areas dependent on the waters for their survival. I mean the animals AND the people. Food intake, let alone money for the fisherman, will be 0. All of these things, and much more, ARE ALREADY HAPPENING. Many will be hungry.