Saturday, March 13, 2010

IRS Investigates Flurry Of Threats Against Its Workers And Facilities

Threats against Internal Revenue Service workers and facilities continue to pour in after last month's plane crash at agency offices in Austin, according to union officials. The pilot and an IRS employee died in the crash.

IRS watchdogs are investigating more than 70 reported instances of inappropriate comments made to agency workers by taxpayers, National Treasury Employees Union President Colleen M. Kelley said Wednesday. Workers have received a mix of inappropriate verbal comments -- including jokes or statements of support for pilot A. Joseph Stack -- and more serious threats, she said...

IRS Cranks Up Hysteria In Wake Of Joe Stack Attack

According to the CIA’s favorite newspaper, The Washington Post, threats against the IRS “continue to pour in after last month’s plane crash at agency offices in Austin, according to union officials.”...