WASHINGTON — The arrest in Yemen of a New Jersey man accused of joining Al Qaeda is the latest in an alarming string of cases involving radicalized American Muslims, a trend some experts link to the duration of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yemeni authorities said this week that the American, Sharif Mobley, 26, who had worked for six years as a laborer at nuclear plants in New Jersey, had been arrested last week in Sana, the Yemeni capital, in a sweep of militants tied to the Yemeni branch of Al Qaeda and the Somali movement Al Shabab.
Taken to a hospital for medical treatment, Mr. Mobley was said to have grabbed a security guard’s gun and shot two guards, one of them fatally, before being subdued, Yemeni officials said...
[Webmaster - Note how in this, and the next three articles, the corporate mainstream media is beating the drum to demonize Islamic people and fear monger using the "Al Qaeda bogeyman"...a CIA creation and asset.]