Big Brother Gov't Seeks to Tax and Track All Drivers
Eric Blair
Activist Post
"Oh, say can you see...the land of the fee, and home of the slave?" Americans really better wake up before it's too late. Perhaps it already is.
Today Pete Kasperowicz of The Hill reported that the Obama administration, following a March Congressional Budget Office report, has "floated" the idea of taxing drivers per mile. Kasperowicz writes:
The plan is a part of the administration’s 'Transportation Opportunities Act,' an undated draft of which was obtained this week by Transportation Weekly.
...Among other things, CBO suggested that a vehicle miles traveled (VMT) tax could be tracked by installing electronic equipment on each car to determine how many miles were driven; payment could take place electronically at filling stations. (my emphasis)If this doesn't alert you to the direction of America, I don't know what will. The government wants to tax Americans for simply leaving their homes, and track their cars via mandatory GPS chips...[Full Article]