Former IRS Agent Joe Banister and Ron Paul On CNBC
Sherry Peel Jackson Ex IRS Agent on Income Tax (1of2)
Sherry Peel Jackson Ex IRS Agent on Income Tax (2of2)
America: Freedom to Fascism
1984: Grace Commission Report under Ronald Reagan showed IRS is a fraud that collects taxes for the Banking Dynasties
“100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt … all
individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services
taxpayers expect from government.”
-Grace Commission report submitted to President Ronald Reagan – January 15, 1984
Ronald Reagan was promptly shot after he dared to criticize the Fed, on the same day
that the Pope was shot. After recovering, he changed his mind and praised the Fed. About
seven US Presidents have been assassinated for not cooperating with the Transatlantic
Banking Dynasties (William Henry Harrison, poisoned, in 1841, Zachary Taylor, Lincoln,
Garfield, McKinley and John F. Kennedy 1963; 7 if FDR’s poisoning is counted).
Most of us feel sick when we realize that Not one dime of IRS money goes to the US
Gov’t, according to Reagan’s Grace Commission: it all goes to pay interest on a bogus
debt to the Private Federal Reserve (FED), just to allow paper money to circulate as
“Federal Reserve Notes”. The Federal Reserve is a private Corporation eventually owned
by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds Dynasties through intermediary agents, designed to
suck the capital dry from the U.S., as the Rothschilds do in Europe. Read Billions for
the <http://www.deepinfo.com/email/Billions4Bankers.htm> Bankers, Debts for the People
More Links at DeepInfo.com on Jekyll Island <http://www.deepinfo.com/more/jekyll.htm> .
The final report of the 1984 Grace Commission, convened under President Ronald Reagan,
quietly admitted that none of the funds they collect from federal income taxes goes to
pay for any federal government services. The Grace Commission found that those funds
were being used to pay for interest on the federal debt, and income transfer payments to
beneficiaries of entitlement programs like federal pension plans...[Full Article]
See pages 12 and 13.
Where Does Your Tax Money Go?
Where Does Your Tax Money Go? Part 2
Uploaded by TheTruthwillrise on Nov 17, 2010
Everything you have been told about the income tax is wrong. I share the information contained in the Grace Commission Report.
Search Engine " Grace Commission Report"
"IRS Publication 6200"
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Download the "Grace Commission Report"
The 16th Amendment was not ratified! The Income Tax is therefore illegal
was not ratified! The Income Tax is therefore illegal.
Note: As goes our nation in the push by the Socialist Council on Foreign
Relations, so goes the rest of the "free" world. The CFR through its
enforcement arm, the Communist United Nations, will eventually eliminate all
freedom in this world. Only you and I can stop it. Removing the funding
provided directly by the US Taxpayer (all of our income taxes go out of the
country) will be a huge blow to the Elitists who seek to be the world
dictator thru the UN...[Full Article]
Download "The Creature from Jekyll Island"(3rd Ed. 1998) by G. Edward Griffin