Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Glenn Beck And The Federal Reserve

End of the American Dream

Last Friday, Glenn Beck did an entire show on the Federal Reserve. It had been a highly publicized show and many people were wondering how Beck was going to handle the subject. Well, to his credit, the show actually contained a lot of truth and it was definitely anti-Federal Reserve. Was the show perfect and 100% accurate? No, not by a long shot. But for a big name personality like Glenn Beck on a big cable network like Fox News to do an hour long show on why the Federal Reserve is bad is a very big deal. Many of us in the alternative media have spent a lot of time bashing the mainstream media (and rightly so), but when someone does something right, we should applaud them for it. The Federal Reserve was the topic for the entire show, and Beck and his guests discussed the creation of money, debt, the history of banking and the current financial problems of the United States. Glenn Beck even had G. Edward Griffin on the show. That was huge. There is not usually much on the mainstream news worth getting excited about, but in this case Glenn Beck's show on the Federal Reserve was a very good step forward, and hopefully more mainstream news programs will begin to feel comfortable with taking an honest look at the Federal Reserve. (Read More.....)