Monday, February 7, 2011

Ghost Towns of China

Why is China building eerie 'ghost cities'?
Google Earth photographs reveal towns completely devoid of people

Why is China constructing large, well-designed "ghost cities" that are completely devoid of people?

China's empty roads (source: Business Insider)

Jerome Corsi's Red Alert reports Google Earth photographs of China depict city after city of vast complexes consisting of office skyscrapers, government buildings, apartment buildings, residential towers and homes, all connected by networks of empty roads – with some of the cities located in China's truly most inhospitable locations.

Images of these "ghost cities" – after countless billions of dollars have been spent on the towns' design and construction – reveal nobody lives in them...

[Full Article]

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China's empty city - 10 Nov 09

China's economy is continuing to grow despite the global recession, helped by a massive government stimulus package of $585bn.

But doubts remain whether such strong growth can be sustained by public spending alone.

Al Jazeera's Melissa Chan reports from Inner Mongolia, where a whole town built with government money is standing empty.