- This weekend marks the 50-year anniversary of FDA approval for the birth control pill
- The Pill is widely seen as a 20th-century invention that upended cultural norms
- Some see it as key to women's control over their destiny, others as harmful to society
- Fourteen commentators weigh in on The Pill's impact
(CNN) -- It was 50 years ago that the U.S. FDA approved the birth control pill, an anniversary the agency is celebrating this Sunday, which (coincidentally?) happens to be Mother's Day. Here are a range of opinions CNN.com gathered on the significance of The Pill's introduction, and the cultural ripples it set in motion...
[Webmaster - Introduction of "The Pill" into our culture has resulted in increased promiscuity, decreased bonding, and disintegration of the family unit. This was intended and by design. Number 40 of the 45 Goals of Communism states "Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce."]