Some of my colleagues on the web are saying that Fox News Chicago reporter Tera Williams "revealed her bias" about the relative efficacy of Chicago's absurd gun buyback program.
In yet another TV report on this meaningless program, reporter Williams was interviewing a Chicago resident on his thoughts about the whole thing. The resident told her, "it's a good way to start," to which Williams said "Something's better than nothing, right?"
Well, no it's not, Ms Williams. This program has been a complete failure for making a dent in the violence and shootings in the City of Chicago. While other great cities of the nation have seen falling murder rates over the last decade, Chicago has seen its rate rise. Even as this waste of money and time of a program was started in 2006, the murder rate has not been positively affected by the program. In fact, this year the city has already experienced over 100 shooting deaths and we aren't even at the half way point in the year yet...
[Webmaster - Gun buyback programs are becoming more prevalent nationwide. Churches are frequently used to spearhead these initiatives. Fascist and Communist regimes have always sought to disarm the populace before unleashing the full force of their tyranny. They are afraid of resistance from the masses. How many criminals and "gang-bangers" do you really think will be turning in their weapons? All these programs do is sucker the sheeple into giving up their means of self-protection.]
Brooklyn Holds Gun Buybacks At Local Churches
BROOKLYN, N.Y. (WPIX) - Hundreds are expected to drop their weapons Saturday at part of Brooklyn's gun buyback program.
Workable handguns or assault weapons can each be exchanged for a $200 bank card, with no questions asked. Rifles and shotguns can be turned over for a $100 bank card, while BB guns, pellet guns and air pistols can be traded in for a $20 bank card.
There is no limit on the number of guns each person can turn in, but no more than three can be exchanged for the bank cards.
Participants are reminded to carry their guns in plastic or papers bags, or in a shoe box. Those traveling by car should transport the guns in their trunk.
The program is a joint effort by Kings County District Attorney Charles J. Hynes, along with the NYPD, local lawmakers and church pastors...
City To Buyback Guns At Several Locations
LOS ANGELES (CNS) -- Los Angeles residents can receive a gift card or prepaid credit card worth up to $200 Saturday by turning in guns today at a number of locations across the city.
Under L.A.'s one-day Gun Buyback program -- which will run from 10 a.m. through 3 p.m. -- residents will be able to surrender their firearms in exchange for a Ralphs grocery store gift card or a prepaid Visa card.
The amount of the gift cards will depend on the type of firearm. For assault weapons, the amount can be $200; for handguns, shotguns and rifles, up to $100.
"Last year, we reclaimed 1,700 guns and assault weapons (in) the most successful gun buyback program in the United States of America," Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said last month while announcing the program.
"The LAPD is focused on this. Our Gang Reduction and Youth Reduction Office is working with intervention workers to really reach out. Our hope is that this is going to be even more successful that last year."
Opponents of gun control have questioned the value of gun buyback programs, expressing doubt that a significant amount of criminals will turn in their guns...
[Webmaster - Los Angeles Mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa, is opposed to Arizona's attempt to curtail illegal immigration and he has called for a boycott of Arizona.]