Saturday, May 8, 2010

Keeping America Safe: SWAT Team Storms Family Home, Shoots Pet Dogs, Over A Small Bag Of Marijuana

Shipping in hard narcotics from abroad while busting casual dope smokers

Steve Watson
Friday, May 7th, 2010

Video of a SWAT narcotics raid in Columbia, Missouri has gone viral on the internet after officers stormed into a house, shooting one family pet dog and killing another in front of a small child, only to discover an insignificantly small amount of marijuana.

The incident provides a compelling example of how the phony war on drugs in America operates.

The raid occurred in February, but the footage has only recently come to light as the case has been ongoing.

The video shows heavily armed officers forcibly entering the home of 25 year old Jonathan E. Whitworth and his wife and 7-year-old son.

Police are said to have received “intelligence from two informants that claimed Whitworth had a large amount of high-grade marijuana at his residence.”

The footage reveals that a shot is immediately fired by the officers upon entry to the house. According to a report in the Columbia Daily Tribune, this shot was not thought to have wounded either of the two dogs, one corgi and one pit bull...

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