Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Boy Banned From Eating Cheese Sandwich

A two year old boy was banned from eating cheese sandwiches at a council-run nursery unless his parents added a lettuce leaf.

Jack Ormisher had his packed lunch taken away by staff who said it violated their healthy eating policy.

When Jack's father went to pick him up from the Westfield Children's Centre, in Pemberton, near Wigan, he was told to include lettuce or tomato in future so the sandwich could be classed as a ''snack'' rather than ''lunch.''

The rebuke came after the nursery drew up a list of ''healthy eating options'' for youngsters which include various fruit and vegetables plus rice pasta and potatoes.

Jack's mother Dorothy Gallear, 32, who has withdrawn her son from the nursery, said: ''I think it is absolutely pathetic and these people are playing Big Brother with people's lives...